October 24, 1864

Front of Petersburg
Oct[ober] 24th 1864

My Dear Wife:

Your letter I received a few days ago and was very happy to hear from you and that you were all well at home as it leaves me at present.

Sarah, I mentioned in my last letter that I had made applications to get to New York Recruiting. It proved good, as I am happy to inform you it has been approved of at Army Headquarters and gone to the War Department to have them do the same. The papers have not yet got back here as yet, but we expect them every day. Now there was only 2 Privates is to go, 2 Corporals, and 2 Sergeants; so I think I done well as I have a great many running against me.

So Sarah you need not answer this ‘til you hear further from me as I do not know how long it will be before the papers will get back. So if I do come to York, you can see me by coming down as I don’t expect to get any further than there.

I have not more news of any importance at this time. But I got Harriet’s letter all right. Tell her I will write to her some more convenient time as I don’t have much.

Along my best love to you and the children and Harry and all inquiring from your most affectionate husband,

John Bryden

Tell my mother that I am well and wishing her the same as this leaves me at present.

From yours,

John Bryden

Good night my dear.

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Written in pencil on landscape-ruled 8.5” x 10” rag paper, folded in half along the short axis to form a four-page signature. No watermark.